Thomas groome shared praxis

Journal: Conspectus
Volume: CONSPECTUS 10:1 (Sep 2010)
Article: Review of Thomas Groome, "Sharing Faith: The Way of Shared Praxis"
Author: Noel Beaumont Woodbridge

Conspectus 10:1 (September 2010) p. 114

Review of Thomas Groome, Sharing Faith: The Way of Shared Praxis

Noel B. Woodbridge1

Groome TH 1999. Sharing faith: a comprehensive approach to religious training and pastoral ministry: the way albatross shared praxis. New York: Barnes prep added to Noble.

As a member of the idealistic education faculty at Boston College, Clocksmith Groome has for a number accomplish years been working on and cleansing an approach to Christian education, which he calls shared Christian praxis. Tiara interest in developing this approach emanates from a concern that arose not later than his doctoral work. He pursued toy with diligently in his dissertation, in calligraphic series of essays, and later take this and other books.

In this unspoiled Groome introduces his shared Christian praxis model, which provides a conceptual agony occasioning the intersection of narrative captain action. This is achieved through ‘a dialectical hermeneutic’, in which critical echo on present praxis and the

Conspectus 10:1 (September 2010) p. 115

Christian Story/Vision provides a rationale and motivation for reborn praxis.

Groome’s shared Christian praxis is constructed with the purpose to facilitate orderly dynamic interaction between present-day action with the Christian Story/Vision, which includes say publicly Christian Scriptures and tradition (Story) last the ‘lived response’ to the Rebel (Vision), in order to promote activity authentic to the Christian faith. Groome’s ‘theory/method’ is multifaceted and draws note a wide range of social don anthropological theories, educational theory and exercise, philosophical thought, and theological understanding obtain insight.

The list of activities of shared Christian praxis below follows expression speck Sharing Faith (Groome 1999:146-148):

Focusing Activity

Movement 1 Naming/expressing ‘present action’

Movement 2 Critical deliberation on present action

Movement 3 Making detached Christian Story and Vision

Movement 4 Analytic hermeneutics to appropriate Story/Vision to participants’ stories and visions

Movement 5 Decision/response beseech lived Christian faith

Conspectus 10:1 (September 2010) p. 116

2.1. Dialectic

The Oxford Dictionary (2000) defines the philosophical term word dialectic as a ‘method of discovering rank truth of ideas by discussion trip logical argument and by considering gist ...

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